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Vegan Protein French Toast

There are so many different and delicious ways to make veganised versions of the classic 'eggy' French Toast. However, my go-to method is much simpler, taking less than 10 minutes and using only 2 ingredients - Bread and a protein shake... (yes it sounds gross but trust me, it's delicious)! I'm not even really sure if you can call this French Toast but oh well, here is my high protein, vegan version of this classic American breakfast.

Protein French Toast

I like to keep my protein intake fairly high to help with muscle growth and repair and find that having a high protein breakfast helps to keep me full for longer. For all 4 slices (what I tend to eat most days), there is over 30g of plant-based protein to help fuel your body for whatever the day brings your way. Usually, it is recommended that you use thick crusty bread to make French Toast, but more often than not I just use whatever I have in my cupboard which tends to be just regular sliced bread and it still works perfectly.

Protein French Toast

My favourite vegan protein powder is the Vegan Protein Extreme blend from The Protein Works. They use a blend of 5 plant-based proteins, in combination with a range of vitamins and minerals to create a delicious and nutritious shake. Vegan protein is a great option for anyone, regardless of dietary preference. They are often less processed, more nutrient-dense, and tend to be easier to digest than typical whey protein and therefore result in less unpleasant digestive side effects...

Protein French Toast

Vegan Protein French Toast

Prep time: 2 minutes

Cooking time: 5 minutes

Total time: 7 minutes

Servings: 4 slices



  • 4 slices bread (any bread is fine!)

  • 30g vegan protein powder

  • 200ml plant-based milk (or water)



  1. Heat a frying pan over a medium heat with a little cooking spray.

  2. Place the protein powder in a bowl and gradually add the liquid, mixing to form a thick protein shake (aim for a custard-like consistency).

  3. Dip each slice of bread into the mixture and transfer to the pan, if there is any left-over mixture you can pour this over the bread in the pan.

  4. Cook for 3-4 minutes on each side, you should get a nice crisp outer layer form.

  5. Serve with your favourite toppings - My go to are fresh strawberries and a drizzle of syrup.

Protein French Toast


  • For this recipe, I like to use chocolate flavoured protein powder, but this is delicious with any flavour!

  • I can just about squeeze all 4 slices of bread in my pan however if you only have a small-medium frying pan you might need to cook this in batches.

  • For an alternative high protein breakfast, check out my protein pancake recipe.

  • Check out The Protein Works full vegan range here. I have no affiliation with the brand, I just love their products!

Protein French Toast

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoy my delicious vegan protein French Toast! If you do try any of my recipes I'd love to know how they turn out - tag me on Instagram @josiewalshaw!

Josie xox


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